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Resources for Parents

This is a repository of helpful information for parents on how to talk to their kids and teens about mental health. Use these resources as well as the resources of books, videos, and sites for kids on this site to help guide dialogue.

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Unquiet Minds- SPPL Staff List

This list features books- memoirs, autobiographies, and biographies- from people who live with mental illnesses from OCD to PTSD to schizophrenia and more. These books are meant to de-stigmatize mental illness and educate readers about the reality of living with mental illness from personal stories.

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Positive Parenting- SPPL Staff List

A list of books and resources that offer affirming parenting advice for rearing children. This list focuses on resources that address mental health of parents and children, child development, and psychology. Not all of these books are written my medical professionals- some are personal accounts of parents who have experience with mental health hurdles.


Helping Children Understand Mental Illness: A Resource For Parents And Guardians

The Mental Health Association of Southeastern PA offers a useful guide on how to talk to kids about mental illness. They include frequently asked questions that may be tough to answer off the cuff and provide positive, affirming language that helps address these topics. 

Talking to Kids About Mental Health

The National Alliance on Mental Health provides an article that helps parents talks to kids about mental health and links to other resources they provide on their website. 

Talking To Kids About Mental Illnesses

Another informative article for parents by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Tough Talks: How to Talk to Your Child About Mental Health

Parenting website offers an article full of quotes from child psychologists that offer insight into having tough talks with kids.

Talking about mental illness with your child

Australian organization Children of Parents with a Mental Illness offers a great article about this tough topic.

How to Talk About Mental Health Issues

Child Mind Institute wrote an article for parents of struggling teens.

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